Slightly Foxed, issue 48, Winter 2015

Acabo de recibir en casa una nueva entrega de la revista londinense Slightly Foxed. Cada número contiene todo tipo de ensayos sobre libros y autores, y abarca una amplia variedad de géneros, una mezcla ecléctica de títulos, clásicos y contemporáneos, novelas, viajes, memorias, Historia, poesía, libros infantiles, cartas, libros de cocina,  e incluso diccionarios y manuales. Esta diversidad convierte a esta revista en el compañero perfecto para un lector curioso y aventurero.

En este número, el 48, invierno de 2015, Richard Holloway escribe sobre Virginia Woolf, Ley Jonathan lee los diarios de Sylvia Townsend Warner, Maggie Fergusson sobre 84, Charing Cross Road y Simon Willis camina con Robert Walser, entre otros contenidos no menos interesantes.

Each issue of Slightly Foxed contains around 16 essays on books and authors and encompasses a wide variety of genres. Open a copy at random, turn to the bibliography three pages from the back, and there you’ll find an eclectic mix of titles, old and new ‒ novels, travel, memoirs, history, poetry, children’s books, letters, cookery, the countryside and even dictionaries and quirky instruction manuals alongside articles on subjects such as bookplates, editing, blurb-writing or tributes to favourite bookshops. This diverse range makes it the perfect companion for the curious and adventurous reader.

In this current Issue, 48, Winter 2015, Richard Holloway reaches Virginia Woolf at last • Shena Mackay weeps over Owd Bob • Jonathan Law reads the diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner • Maggie Fergusson drops in on 84, Charing Cross Road • Robin Blake champions the novels of Keith Waterhouse • Melissa Harrison explores Gilbert White’s Selborne• Simon Willis walks with Robert Walser • Julia Blackburn learns ballads by heart • C. J. Wright inspects the Punch archive with Alan Coren • Ranjit Bolt has a cautionary tale to tell.

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